The United States Supreme Court has issued its ruling to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on Thursday morning . The health care plan was passed in 2010, and was brought to SCOTUS under the challenge of whether or not the Act was constitutional. Kansas governmental leaders have released statements quickly following the decision.
Kansas Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins says “When the PPACA was being debated, I stated that I felt this was bad policy that would lead to fewer jobs, more debt, higher healthcare costs, and reduced access to quality care in our rural areas. Further, I have contended this law never addressed the primary problem with our healthcare system: cost. Contrary to the PPACA’s stated purpose of making healthcare “affordable”, the Act ignored the aspects within our healthcare system that inflate expenses. Our healthcare system is in need of significant reforms, but these reforms must address the problems of cost.
Kansas Congressman Tim Huelskamp has released a statement regarding the decision saying “When they look back on the American system of once-limited government, June 28, 2012 will stand as a definitive date in the advance of government tyranny. Today, a slim majority of the Supreme Court turned our Constitution on its head, and ruled that the federal government, in effect, can force upon the American people anything it damn well pleases – as long as it is called a tax. Unlimited federal power, combined with judicial activism, has crafted a new regime that has destroyed our Founders’ vision.”
Kansas Senator Pat Roberts released this statement “I’m deeply disappointed in the Supreme Court’s decision to keep Obamacare in place. This is the wrong decision for our country. After two years, we have seen the problems and pitfalls of this law and they fall squarely on the shoulders of patients and Kansas families. Care will cost more, and access to quality care will be reduced. No wonder a majority of Americans oppose it. It’s now up to the Congress to repeal and replace this law with step by step, common-sense, cost-cutting solutions that work for Kansans and all Americans and that’s what I will work to do in the Senate. There is no question today’s decision is a real setback for America and will make our work that much harder.”
Kansas Senator Jerry Moran released the following statement “A law can be constitutional but still a bad idea. I continue to believe that the health care reform law jeopardizes access to quality health care for many Americans, threatens the survival of Kansas communities, and stifles our country’s job growth through higher taxes and burdensome regulations.”
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback weighs in on the decision saying “Stopping ObamaCare is now in the hands of the American people. It begins with electing a new president this fall.”