Pottawatomie County health director Leslie Campbell shared some good news with county commissioners at a meeting held Monday in Westmoreland. Campbell talks about state funding…
“We got level funding for maternal child health and immunization action plan,” Campbell said. “The state will be sending around $110,515 (for next year). That’s up about $4,000 from last year’s funding.”
Recently, Campbell also reached out to Pott County residents…
“We did a sharing session where we go over all of our activities with a group of community members and discussed if there are public health needs we’re not meeting in Pottawatomie County,” Campbell said. “We had a really good turnout and a very good response.”
Commissioners also signed a renewed Childcare Licenser Contract with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) per Campbell’s request. The contract outlines what the county will be responsible for in terms of funding for the upcoming fiscal year.
Redrawing Pottawatomie County district lines was the topic of discussion at a public hearing held Monday in Westmoreland. County commissioners were given several suggestions from residents around the county.
Commissioner Gary Yenzer (Yen-ZUR) explained the reason behind redistricting…
“We have a state statute that says each district has to be within five percent of the others, population-wise,” Yenzer said. “My district is heavily overloaded right now. I have several thousand more votes than the other districts. Right now we’re just trying to make it equal.”
Fellow commissioner Stan Hartwich (Hart-WICK) indicated that the process hasn’t been easy.
“I’ve always heard it’s a tough project to tackle (redistricting), because there are a lot of hard feelings over it,” Hartwich said. “I don’t want to give up areas that have people who voted me into office but sometimes you have to do that.”
No action was taken at the conclusion of the hearing.