At Thursday’s Riley County Commission meeting, appraiser Greg McHenry told commissioners the number of building permits through July 31st is slightly higher than the number seen the first seven months of 2010. Also, the number of residential home sales is approximately the number seen in the first seven months of 2010.
Additionally, enhancements were recently completed on the county’s Parcel Search website, which will allow for the website to be refreshed daily. Any changes in property data will now be reflected the next day on the website, which was previously refreshed only once a week.
Safety simulation training videos were shown to the commission by community corrections director, Shelly Williams. The simulations were conducted over a two-day period. The videos are intended to provide department members with a model on how to safely and effectively conduct a home visit.
Noxious weed director, Dennis Peterson, informed commissioners that Riley County’s Household Hazard Waste mobile trailer will collect refuse at Howie’s Recycling, 625 S. 10th St, Manhattan, KS, on Saturday, August 13, from 8:00 a.m – noon.