The Riley County-Manhattan Health department is working closely with the county as it prepares to transition to county-run entity.
County clerk Rich Vargo met with health board administrator Chuck Murphy and assistant administrator Suzanne Kufahl Thursday to address health department employee concerns. Vargo contends that all parties left the discussion feeling satisfied.
“We talked about the transition from a 37.5 hour work week to a 40 hour work week,” Vargo said. “Going from the monthly pay scale (they are on) to the bi-weekly system that we use. Overall, I was surprised. It went very well.”
The group’s concern regarding health benefits was alleviated by the end of the meeting.
“The employees don’t pay anything for health insurance, currently,” Vargo said. “We were a little concerned but the dental benefit we offer seemed to offset any concerns they had.”
The Health Department will become a county-operated entity starting January 1 , 2012.