The Manhattan – Ogden School Board had a full agenda to discuss.
They started the evening in an executive session, but at 6:30 PM they began moving through the regular meeting agenda.
The board had ten items they made a motion for. Of those ten, only one was not unanimous among the board members.
With the delay in the opening of Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt for the semester, how they were to make up the time was a question the board had to figure out. The proposal that was presented to the board was to extend the school day by adding 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon. This schedule would start September 19th and go until December 20th. Members Leah Fliter and Peter Paukstelis voted no to the vote on extending the school day for Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.
Among the items that were passed unanimously included the design development for the Manhattan High School East Campus, the Ratification of the 2011-2012 Negotiated Agreement, the classified employee wages and health insurance and the administrative employee salaries and health insurance.