What to do about the sales tax continues to be a predominant topic at area meetings, with the matter coming up yet again Monday at the intergovernmental meeting in Manhattan. USD 383 officials have indicated an interest in the matter, especially in the area of economic development . Manhattan City manager Ron Fehr explained Tuesday night’s city commission work session would include discussion on the matter. Riley county’s portion would go toward roads and bridges, which USD 383 School Board President Doug Messer noted also serves the school district.
464 people have already gotten their flu shots through the Riley County/Manhattan Health Department. That’s according to Director of Nursing Dawn Searles, who addressed intergovernmental leaders at a Monday meeting. Searles also talked about clinics being offered, with 22 scheduled throughout Manhattan, with the biggest being at USD 383 on October 21st.
And intergovernmental leaders heard from the Wildcat Creek working group and heard consolidated dispatch is close to having an interlocal agreement finalized.