With many years left until fulfilled completion, the K-State 2025 campaign is being given a lot of attention in 2011.
University President Kirk Schultz along with Senior Vice President and Provost April Mason addressed members of the media and officials from both the city of Manhattan and Riley County.
Mason told those present the draft plan for the campaign is up on the university website.
“Within the next week to week and half, the finalized plan will be up and there will be a video of President Schultz and I finalizing the plan.” Mason says.
Mason says the plan will not only impact the academic side of things, but the athletic as well.
“Money that had been going to directly to athletics (from the state) will come back and impact academics,” Mason says. “That shows great cooperation between athletics and the academic side of the university.”
The K-State athletic department reportedly receives $1.6 billion dollars from the state each year and within a few years that money will be used for academics, without damaging the athletic budget.
Other improvements will be made as the progress of the campaign continues including the appointment of a Undergraduate Research task force, a new Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies position, and a Chief Executive Officer for the Corporate Engagement office.
For more information on the campaign, go to k-state.edu/2025