The three “R’s” were introduced and discussed at Wamego’s City Commission meeting Tuesday–recycling, replacement, and rezoning. City Manager Merl Page introduced Jeremy Fitzgerald, who is concerned about Recycling cans and plastic bottles at the ball fields. Fitzgerald had researched the cost of disposal containers if the City would purchase them. The Commission indicated it thought it was a great idea, and will do further study on the issue.
In other business, local banker and Chamber of Commerce Promotions Chairman Dwight Faulkner, presented a signage design plan for the corner of Highways 24 & 99. According to Faulkner, multiple Chamber committees have been brainstorming the Replacement of the existing sign for some time, because the current sign needs to be replaced anyway, and the groups feel there will be very little cost to the City. The Commission approved the design plan and gave its blessing to move forward. The plan is to have the new sign completed by year-end.
The Commission approved an ordinance to Rezone a lot along west Highway 24 from C-S; Commercial to R-3; Multiple-family Dwelling District. The property is owned by Wamego Development Co., Inc. and was discussed at the last Commission meeting.
Also Tuesday, annexation of a tract of land in the Wamego Industrial Park Addition was approved at the request of Clark Balderson, on behalf of BMSB, LLC.
City Manager Merl Page went over the need to replace the Control Panel at the Power Plant because it’s outdated. He said bids have been received and the replacement cost is about 74-thousand dollars. He said all the other smaller control panels also need to be replaced at a cost of about $64,000. Page said this is the last thing that needs to be done to meet current metering standards, and the funds will come from the maintenance budget.
In his Sales Tax update, Page said the numbers remain consistent and positive, with no real percentage change since last month. He said the year-to-date numbers are ahead of last year and this is a good sign for the City, County and local economy.