A lot of work, a lot of hours… but Cindy Volanti, Riley County’s Human Resource Manager, tells KMAN she enjoys putting together the annual training day, now observed by Riley county employees on Columbus day. Volanti describes the session as very beneficial. The training has been going on for five years now.
About 200 Riley County employees gathered at the Farm Bureau Headquarters in Manhattan Monday to hear about a variety of matters on the Columbus Day Holiday. In what has become a traditional training day, the group heard about state health insurance changes and policy updates. County Counselor Clancy Holeman was pleased with the turn-out and response. Holeman indicates Riley county is getting a good reputation amongst speakers invited to the annual event. Holeman actually made a presentation of his own, regarding a new policy about a pre-employment drug test, which is now a requirement.
And anyone who works in customer service, probably knows a sense of humor is key–and that was just one subject at the session. Commission Chair Karen McCulloh was still chuckling about a presentation by Juli Burney of Nebraska during the first part of the day. County Treasurer Eileen King also commented on the presentation, saying it’s important to keep humor in mind.
As a fairly new county commissioner for Riley County, Dave Lewis described Monday’s training session for county employees as “very rewarding.”
K-PERS and technology were just some of the areas covered during the day-long training.