The Manhattan – Ogden school board had a lot of issues to tackle during their regular business meeting, but they were given a surprise. Doug Jaeger, CEO of Adolfson and Peterson Construction, presented a check to the board and told them that A & P was going to renovate the concession stand since there wasn’t funds allocated to that project.
Even with this news, the board had a lot to discuss. The board started the night with a work session concerning the Manhattan High School East project. The board was shown the diagrams that were spelled out in the green book which established how the bond funds would be used. After looking at these, there was concern that bigger problems were being ignored. The board didn’t take an action on this matter, but urged the construction team to continue looking at the alternatives on how to do the project and get the most out of it.
Another new business item was new courses and changes in course titles for the 2012-2013 school year. This issue brought up concerns about how to fund new textbooks and other materials. Carol Adams, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, discussed that they would prioritize the list and do what they could.
Also, the board discussed the revision to the facilities use fee. This topic led to a discussion as to whether there needs to be a change in the agreement between the school district and the Parks and Recreation. The board did pass unanimously to the revision of the facilities use fee.
Doug Jaeger follows:
Discussion with Board Member Walt Pesaresi and others follow: