While Prathista International has been generating a lot of attention at Manhattan City Commission meetings lately, the topic moved to Riley County commissioners Thursday, with an update by Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce President Lyle Butler. Manhattan City Commissioners have been trying to decide whether to allocate economic development funds to Prathista or to improvements downtown.
Riley County Commissioners had several questions Thursday regarding what has become a somewhat controversial discussion on whether Prathista International should receive a $500,000 economic development package from the city. The company does not receive that money–it would be used to refurbish the Armory by the airport owned by the city. Butler mentioned interactions already between company officials and Kansas State.
Butler also told commissioners about a Bioscience Research and Development company interested in expanding to the Manhattan area, due to the National Bio and Agri-Defense facility to be located here.
And it’s only about a month away from the Leader’s retreat, hosted by area chambers of commerce. Butler told Riley County commissioners plans are to encourage more active participation by those attending the annual event. This year’s retreat is January 13th and 14th at the Overland Park convention center.
Meanwhile, it’s not a good time for investments–especially for Riley County, with Treasurer Eileen King saying numbers keep going lower. The county has collected $167,308, in interest the county has distributed $2,709 to other funds, for a net to the general fund of $164,599.
King adds the budget overall though is looking pretty good. King told commissioners Thursday sales tax revenues were basically all up, with auto sales up, as well as big box stores and grocerty stores.