As KMAN news announced Tuesday, Pottawatomie County Commissioner Pat Weixelman recently filed for re-election. Weixelman says experience has helped him.
“I feel like I’ve had pretty good luck the last three years, ” he said. “Haven’t had too many calls chewing me out or anything like that.”
Weixelman adds his business experience is also a factor.
“Been in business for over 25 years,” Weixelman said. “I would like to think I know enough to keep things running. And, with the economy what it is, you’ve got to run a pretty tight ship these days.”
As for a second term, Weixelman says he wants to see the Pottawatomie County Jail/Courthouse Project through to the end.
“It came in about where we wanted it, as far as bids,” he said. “We’ve got a little bit of cleaning up to do with it, to figure out which direction we want to go.”
As of Thursday, no other candidates have filed for the position.