Riley County may end up leaving the City of Manhattan on its own in terms of educating the public regarding its portion of a proposed sales tax, which is expected to be on the ballot later this year. County commissioners expressed some frustration and concern Thursday, with city commissioners wanting to change the language for their portion of the sales tax. County commissioners have several times expressed plans to keep the county portion worded as it is currently, with money going toward road and bridge projects. Commissioners Dave Lewis and Karen McCulloh questioned how often the city language might need to be changed.
County Clerk Rich Vargo told the commissioners the county can determine it’s own language, but they’re running out of time.
Commission Chair Karen McCulloh stressed she’s happy to support the city if she’s clear on what they’re wanting.Lots of talk about road and bridge projects at Thursday’s riley county commission meeting, with public works director Leon Hobson telling of planned work on 12 bridges, 13 culverts, and 10 more miles of overlays. It’s all part of the county’s sales tax projects.
And as you head down that road, you might be surprised to know how much it costs to fix that route you take on a daily basis. Riley County public works director Leon Hobson talked to county commissioners Thursday about projects prioritized by the county’s road and bridge advisory board. Work is planned on 12 bridges and 13 culverts. Only three projects are proposed for reconstruction.