Three plots once associated with the Manhattan Community Gardens now belongs to Howie’s Trash and Recycling Service, thanks to action taken Tuesday night by Manhattan City Commissioners.
Up for discussion was the sale of three lots at 9th Street and Fair Lane to Howie’s Trash and Recycling Service, which would allow the company to expand their services.
“To me, the expansion makes sense,” Greg Wilson, co-owner of Howie’s, told commissioners. “We bought three lots five years ago for $31,500, and these lots are now appraised for $31,900. I think you’re getting a more than fair price for what the land is valued, but I’m not trying to argue, I’m just trying to get along.”
Wilson said Howie’s has worked with the UFM Learning Center, who runs the gardens on trying to find a possible new location to help ease the loss of the three lots, spending over $20,000, both in cash and in-kind value. That came to fruition in November, when a lease was signed with Riley County for a track of unused park land at 1435 Collins Lane on Hunter’s Island.
“Howie’s jumped right in,” Linda Teener, UFM Executive Director, said. “And we were able, with their help, to clear the site, put in a well, and put in a well structure. We began renting those plots last month. As I left work (Tuesday) afternoon, we only had one plot left on Collins Lane. We could not have even begun to think about moving to a new site without their help.”
The sale of the lots to Howie’s means the elimination of 58 plots for the Riley Lane Garden, though they gain 72 from the addition of the Collins Lane site. The UFM website also states 72 additional plots can be developed as needed.
The commission authorized the sale, which includes a contribution from the City to the Community Gardens to help with equipment costs and expenses. Further, a resolution was passed, and can be heard in the above audio, designating the Gardens as “green space.”
The Commission heard comments from Community Gardens members before deciding to authorize the sale. The terms also include a contribution from the City to the Community Gardens to help with equipment costs and expenses, and a resolution was presented designating the remaining Gardens as “green space”.
Greg Wilson, Co-owner of Howie’s Recycling
Linda Teener, UFM Executive Director