An accident caused by a contract company hired by the City of Manhattan, caused a internet outage at Family and Child Resource Center Tuesday afternoon.
Robert Nall, Information Technology Director for Riley County, told the Riley County Commission Thursday that the city had set up with contractors to create a dry pond between FCRC and The Riley Count Health Department. While digging, they accidentally cut the fiber and phone lines for the FCRC causing internet outages for the entire building. The FCRC moved their computers to the Riley County Health Department in order to keep up with their different processes
Nall said that his team had been working Wednesday to help rewire the building to gain their internet access back so the FCRC. He said that it should be restored sometime today.
Nall said that the contractors were trying to be cautious of the fiber and phone lines but mistaked a sewer line for the fiber and phone line causing them to dig in the wrong area and cut the lines.