Wamego officials find some solutions easier than others. At Tuesday’s City Commission meeting, Mayor Bill Ditto brought up the Columbarium issue again. He said the Commission has studied the issue, but more work is needed. City Manager Merl Page said it’s difficult to come up with a pricing structure that’s consistent and self-sufficient and takes inflation into account.
A Columbarium is a structure that houses burial urns. A Columbarium was built and donated by the Vanderbilt family and placed in the Wamego City Cemetery. Any remaining spaces can be sold to the public. The issue was tabled until Page feels comfortable bringing it before the Commission for a final Ordinance and Resolution.
In other business, the Commission amended the method in which new utility customers can pay the initial deposit. In the past, there was only one option available, to pay at the time of activation, but the city has added the option to roll over the deposit into the first utility bill. Page said this should make the payment system more efficient and user friendly.
Wamego ran into complications with the Water Well repairs. Page said they thought the problem was the pump, but on inspection found that casings were compromised when pressure blew a hole in them, allowing sand to enter. He said there were a couple of options, but chose to redrill the new well and build a new pump house. According to Page, the plans and specifications have been completed and repairs should be done soon.
Page added that with this Water Well out of service, the City will be monitoring the daily water usage, due to the added demand on the other wells. He said there is no immediate problem, but because of the dry conditions, the City has had an emergency water plan in place for a couple of years.
In other business, Errol Carley was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Wamego Hospital Board that will expire in January of 20-13.