Campaign expenditure reports filed Monday for the Riley County Commission District Three Republican primary race shows David Fiser raising the most, with nearly $4,775 raised, compared to Ron Well’s $3,140. Fiser has spent about $ 4,601.66 of that, with Wells spending $486.35 –although Wells indicates that’s not truly reflective as he hadn’t turned in bills that came in after the 27th.
Fiser tells KMAN he tries to be fiscally responsible when spending the money he receives, adding people want to be a part of the campaign. Wells describes himself as conservative, saying he thought appropriate use of the money contributed to his fund would be a smart move. Wells indicates he was lower-keyed for the primary as he didn’t want to have to go back and ask for money again, and plans to campaign harder for the general election if he wins in the primary.
Democrat Rodney Harms raised $6,135 and spent $4,176.97.