A 52-year-old CEO, who has no previous cycling experience, began training in April and hit the road on June 10 to help spread the word for at risk kids.
Her bright yellow van could be seen as Dr. Lori Salierno and her team made their stop at Big Poppi’s Bike Shop in Manhattan on Thursday, July 12 with Manhattan Mayor Loren Pepperd there to welcome her.
Salierno began her journey in Vancouver, WA and will cycle through 13 states before hitting her final destination in Acworth, GA on August 4 as part of her Challenge the Cycle Tour.
Salierno is making this 3,000 mile journey to help make people aware that there is a way to help children.
“My cause is to help at risk kids,” said Salierno. “At risk meaning those who are dropping out of school or who are involved with gangs or may not have the support at home, their folks might be in prison or on drugs, and to give them a positive mentor in their life so that they can have a positive future.”
Salierno is an advocate for helping kids with both her company, Celebrate Life International, and their program, Teach One to Lead One.
As part of the Challenge the Cycle Tour, Salierno is hoping to raise enough money to send 10,000 at risk kids through their 16 week program.
Her terrain has been changing as she has crossed through the first few states, but Salierno says she has been enjoying the trip, though sometimes it gets a little rough.
“The only time I did not enjoy it was when I had a headwind of about 15 to 20 mph at the end of the day,” Salierno said. “I cried out in sheer exhaustion because you have to work to go downhill and that is not right. You should be able to to go downhill fast.”
Salierno and her team still has about 1,000 miles left to go and about three weeks to get it done.
For more information about the journey, visit ChallengeTheCycle.org.