The Pottawatomie County Commission met on Monday to go over a few updates and to take care of a couple of budget concerns.
Updates came from a number of departments including County Attorney Sherri Schuck, County Treasurer Lisa Wright, County Appraiser Lois Schlegel and a transportation update.
The construction team on the new Justice Center also made a report on the progress being made.
At this point, most of the walls and part of the basement floor concrete have been poured, though there is some concern with the temperatures.
“Concrete and heat don’t work well together on curing,” said Gary Yenzer, Chairman of the Pottawatomie County Commission. “We’re pretty picky about getting our concrete cured and protected.”
The commission also had a funding request from the Community Health Ministry.
With the cutting of some state funding, the Ministry asked for a suplement of $8,000 dollars from the county.
With the budget still being pieced together, the commission didn’t promise anything.
“We basically told them right now, we penciled in $4,000 for that,” Yenzer said. “Until we get all the numbers added up on our budget, whether we can increase that or we have to drop it back we don’t know yet.”