The Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a non-partisan Candidate Forum on Monday, July 23rd from 5:30 – 9:00pm at the Manhattan Arts Center. The forum is free to attend and open to the public. All candidates in the races listed below have been invited to attend, however, only candidates involved in a campaign for the primary election on August 7th will have the opportunity to answer questions from the moderator and public. These primary races include County Commission Districts 2 & 3, 51st House District and 22nd Senate District.
“It is important for all voters to be informed on the candidates and issues”, said Lyle Butler, President/CEO of the Manhattan Chamber. “Our goal is to provide the candidates the opportunity to share their ideas and vision for the area, as well as giving the business community and general public the chance to get to know the candidates better.”
The forum will be broken into three sections, with the County, House and Senate races each having a specific timeframe. People interested in attending may stay for the entire event, or chose to come only for the race(s) they are interested in learning more about. The event will begin at 5:30 with a meet and greet including all candidates running for area offices in the following races:
- Riley County Commission District 2
- Riley County Commission District 3
- Riley County Register of Deeds
- Riley County Clerk
- Riley County Attorney
- Riley County Treasurer
- Kansas House District 51
- Kansas House District 64
- Kansas House District 66
- Kansas House District 67
- Kansas Senate District 22
Forum Schedule (times subject to change)
5:15 Meet & Greet opportunity with all candidates
6:00 County Commission Candidates Forum
7:00 51st District Candidates Forum
8:00 22nd Senate Candidates Forum
For additional information and comments, contact Lyle Butler, Chamber President/CEO, at 785-776-8829 or The Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan organization dedicated to fostering a changing environment for business success that enhances the quality of life in our region.