Riley County Police reported Monday morning that sometime around 2:45 A.M. on Friday, a white Toyota Prius almost struck an MP at Fort Riley. The vehicle was headed east bound through the Ogden gate towards Manhattan.
The vehicle was found a few hours later at the Bubble Wash. When the driver spotted the police, they fled the scene onto Stagg Hill Road. Once reaching Stagg Hill, the driver ran, leaving the woman passenger alone with the police. The passenger, Kristina Harrison (26) of Wamego, was arrested for obstruction.
The driver was later spotted by a Riley County dispatchor who was headed home after his shift.
Casey Lindley (25) of Ogden, was arrested around 6:30 a.m. Lindley was charged with fleeing or attempting to elude, suspended drivers license and unlawful operation of a vehicle.
Lindley’s bond is set at $5,000 and Harrison’s is set at $2,000. Both Lindley and Harrison are confined.
A Kansas State fraternity reported over 15 hundred dollars worth of damage over the weekend.
Riley County Police reported Monday morning that sometime between May 15th and July 7th, the Kappa Sigma fraternity on College Heights suffered criminal damage to property and residential burglary.
A 4×4 glass window was broken into and a wooden door was damaged as well as an ice machine for a total loss of $1,600.
RCPD are still investigating the case.
Riley County Police reported Monday morning that a vehicle was stolen and recovered over the weekend.
The 2007 Honda Accord, owned by Vilardel Marcellus (26) of Manhattan, was stolen sometime on Friday evening. The vehicle was located early morning on Saturday in the 1300 block of Scenic Drive in the woods.
Although the vehicle was recovered, there were items stolen as well as significant damage.
A Macbook and GPS were taken from the vehicle for a total loss of $1,170 in stolen items. The Honda suffered $500 worth of damage with broken tail lights, broken windows and slashed tires.
No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.