Tuesday evening’s Manhattan City Commission meeting will pick up where previous meetings have left off regarding two important topics.
City Manager Ron Fehr provides a preview of the session for KMAN.
“The city’s quarter cent sales tax for economic development as well as property tax for debt reduction will be discussed,” Fehr says. “We will also continue a discussion on the Metropolitan Planning Organization from the city’s perspective so we can be more understanding on their viewpoint on that particular matter.”
Fehr says a draft for the quarter cent sales tax was made when discussions first began regarding the topic. It was viewed as a possibility if the funds were renewed as to how the funds would be utilized. The discussion of late has been about the 65% that would go towards economic development and the remaining 35% towards property tax or debt reduction.
The Work session can be viewed locally on Cox Cable Channel 3 at 5:00pm. The meeting is being held at City Hall on 1101 Poyntz Avenue.