After making adjustments to the quarter cent sales tax ballot question, Riley County Counselor, Clancy Holeman, brought forward the finalized and somewhat lengthy question to Thursday’s Riley County Commissioner Meeting. Holeman explained the length of the question by informing commissioners most ballot questions are somewhat “wordy” due to the fact that breaking the question into smaller questions can lead people to approving and declining various parts of the question, instead of approving or declining it entirely.
Commissioners approved the ballot question after further discussion.
Budget and Finance Officer, Johnette Shepek, also presented a number of updates to commissioners at the meeting including updates on the CIP budget, the county building budget and the economic development budget. Shepek also gave an update on the half cent sales tax, saying the fund is around $3.5 million and expenses used thus far only total to $2.1 million.
Other items on the agenda included County Attorney, Barry Wilkerson’s general update and Assistant County Counselor, Craig Cox, presenting Lakewood, Driftwood, and High Meadows Resolution public sale of bonds updates, which were approved by commissioners.