Army senior staff stopped at Fort Riley on their final leg of a week long tour of six army installations aimed at finding out the health of the force.
The Army Assessment team is being led by Vice Chief of Staff of the Army General Loyd Austin III. General Austins says his team wanted to ask the leaders on the ground about the issue, and get direct feedback on what policies would work best for those in the field.
The team looked into installation programs, and services, that dealt with suicide prevention, Wounded Warrior care, sexual assault, and other related areas. The team hopes to take what they learn from the various installations back to help the Army craft a policy using the best practices from their survey, and use the “friction points” to highlight other areas that need improvement.
General Austins says the key to keeping the force healthy and fit is to find the right resources, and couple them with the right people to help facilitate recovery, and resilience operations with soldiers and families.