MANHATTAN, Kansas, August 30, 2012 – As a reminder, the city has Game Day Parking ordinances to improve safety and allow for better emergency access during Kansas State University home football game days. Parking is restricted and/or prohibited and tow zones established along the following streets: Hillview Drive, from Kimball Avenue to College Avenue; Snowbird Drive, from Tamarron Terrace to the end of Snowbird Drive cul-de-sac; Skyler Circle, from Snowbird Drive to the end of the cul-de-sac; Hobbs Drive, from College Avenue to Kenmar Drive; Himes Road, from College Avenue to Winne Drive; Vaughn Drive, from College Avenue to Kenmar Drive; Ranser Road, Kimball Avenue to Hobbs Drive; Cassell Road, from Ranser Road to Kenmar Drive; Kenmar Drive, from Kimball Avenue to Hobbs Drive; Winne Drive, from Kenmar Drive to Hobbs Drive; and Sunny Circle, Meade Circle, and Parkway Lane.
In areas designated by the City Manager, property owners are permitted to allow temporary front yard parking during Kansas State University home football game days. This game day parking is allowed on streets that have been limited to parking on one side, as long as the property owners have existing access to their property from the street. Front yard parking is also allowed on properties which have access to a four-lane street. The Administrative Order has been drafted in this manner to address congestion, access, and safety concerns expressed by some of the residents.