The Manhattan Ogden school board had a lot to go over at their meeting on Wednesday night.
The board started off with the public hearing for the budget. There were no comments made by the public, so the meeting moved forward to the regular business items.
Construction began with three change orders. All three passed with a 6-0 vote.
The went to reports as some schools are finishing up with construction and teachers are getting back into the classrooms before classes begin next week.
The group from Adolfson & Peterson were there to give the good news that the high school west campus is done. They will be back next month to go over one final change order, however.
Adolfson & Peterson not only kept their word to complete the project in two years, but to keep the majority of the sub contractors within the area and they did. About 60% of the subs came within a 60 mile radius of the area. Not only that, but they also worked with K-State and provided twenty-five intern opportunities that have led to some job opportunity to those interns.
The board passed the budget for the 2012-2013 school year and they have successfully lowered the mill levy by about 1.235. The total mill levy comes out to be 50.390, where the local option budget or LOB is at 14.377 mills.
The board also had a lengthy discussion concerning Manhattan High School Principal Terry McCarty’s request for the Tribe Time schedule. After the motion died due to lack of a second, it was decided that McCarty to rework his plan to bring back to the board and that the schedule for now would be similar to last fall.
Doug Messer, director of transportation, also brought before the board an informational item concerning the transportation of those inside the 2.5 miles. No action was taken on this item.