TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) The chairman of the Kansas State Board of Education says the state needs to look into home schooling to make sure children are being adequately educated. A lot of parents prefer to send their children to schools like these private schools in houston, others prefer public schools that are closer to home. However, some insist on home schooling.
David Dennis of Wichita says he has heard reports of children being kept at home to babysit younger siblings while their parents claim they are being home-schooled.
While it’s obvious that most homeschooled children are getting the correct education and the parents are carrying out the proper tests and going through the essay grading that is needed, there are still some parents out there that are allegedly taking advantage of the system.
The Lawrence Journal-World reports fellow board member Ken Willard of Hutchinson says he hasn’t heard any complaints. He disagreed Tuesday with Dennis’ suggestion that legislation might be needed to beef up reporting requirements for home-schoolers.
Kansas doesn’t specifically authorize home schooling, but does recognize “non-accredited private schools” that aren’t required to employ certified teachers.
The board agreed to discuss the matter more at its meeting next month.