WICHITA, Kan. (AP) A disabled Army veteran who lost his service dog near Wichita earlier this month has a new companion and an obedience instructor willing to train it.
The Wichita Eagle reports Randy Newell of Marion found his new dog last week at the Kansas Humane Society in Wichita. It’s a 4-year-old chow-shepherd mix named Arnie.
Newell lost his legs when an improvised bomb exploded in Afghanistan in 2008. His service dog, a Doberman named Red, disappeared Aug. 3 while he was washing his pickup truck in Park City. Its body was found a few hours later on Interstate 135 after apparently being hit by a car.
Nationally certified instructor Kathy Adkins of Haysville says she decided to train Newell’s new dog for free when she heard about the veteran’s situation.