Two items encompassed the Joint City/County/County Meeting as Riley County, the City of Manhattan and Pottawatomie County sat down to discuss the half-cent sales tax presentation by Riley County and also to talk about the Marlatt / Junietta extension update.
The sales tax issue is still in the works, but Riley County is already making work of creating brochures and a powerpoint presentation that way they can go out and educate the public.
The City of Manhattan, however, still has some work to do, but hopefully after their meeting on Tuesday there should be more answers.
Karen McCulloh, Riley County Commissioner, said she is looking forward to working with the city on the matter and making it one that people will vote to have.
The second topic was that of the Marlatt/Juniette project and Buck Driggs, Vice President with SMH Consultants, was present to give a presentation on to some of the options that are being looked at.
A total of six different options were shown, but as this is early in the process there is still a lot to do.
There will be an open house on September 13 at the Green Valley Community Center to give people an opportunity to see what is happening with the project.