Campaign finance and expenditure reports from primary candidates for the State Board of Education District Six seat show Usha Reddi of Manhattan being the most active, with $8,673 in donations, and $6,025.90 in expenditures. Candidate Carol Viar has raised $1,500 dollars and spent $1,046.20.
During a forum on KMAN Wednesday morning Reddi explained she doesn’t “want any holes, ” with the 23 counties in the sixth district, which she describes as incredible. Reddi also says State Board of Education isn’t always on people’s radar and she wants them to be aware of the board’s importance.
Viar tells KMAN there’s a reason her spending amount is lower, saying personal mileage doesn’t have to be reported. And she says she’s been travelling a lot visiting and meeting with people , has people working on her behalf in a number of the counties, with signs in scattered locations all around the district.
Republican candidate Deena Horst of Salina has $3,000 contributions and has spent $2,619.07.