Individual funds from various departments make up the yearly budget amendment. During Thursday’s Riley County Commission meeting, the budget amendment for 2012 was reviewed during a public hearing.
The year’s budget amendment must be published ten days prior to the public hearing, and due to the December 16th publication date, this requirement was fulfilled.
Budget and Finance Officer, Johnette Shepek walked through various funds such as; Capitol Improvement Projects (CIP), RCPD, Hunters Island Water, Rural Fire District, and Moehlman’s Bottoms.
After reviewing the amendment and opening it up for public comment, the commission approved the 2012 end year figures.
Shepek also provided an update on how various funds look as we head into the new year.
The most complex fund is the CIP fund do to the amount of projects. Shepek commented, “it’s hard to calculate exact end year numbers and beginning year numbers in this fund, because projects are still currently going on”. If all current projects are completed, Shepek expects to start the new year out with just over $1,000,000 in that particular fund.
County EMS Director, Larry Couchman came before the commission to request a budget transfer. Couchman asked the commission to take $20,000 out of the operations budget and move it into the reserve account. The operations part of the budget exceeded expectations due to the recent increase in call volume.
With this recent “cushion” in the operations budget, Couchman said the purpose of moving $20,000 of it over to the reserve account would be to “gradually build up” that account.
The commission approved this transfer for the 2012 budget, effective in January.
County Counselor, Clancy Holeman also gave an administrative work session update. Holeman brought forward the final Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Draft Designation Agreement and Fiscal Agreement. Slight changes were made, including one suggestion that Holeman implemented.
Holeman also expressed concern with one particular legislative item involving electronic filing fees. With the way the piece of legislation reads, the county could end up paying for that fee. The commission seemed concern with this possible expense as well and will expect updates during future commission meetings.