A Budget Amendment Hearing opened Wamego’s City Commission meeting. On Tuesday, City Manager Merl Page called for the hearing due to the City exercising its option by calling the Public Building Commission bonds used finance Wamego City Hospital’s remodeling project. Page said calling the bonds will save under $300,000 in interest. The hearing was necessary to stay in budget compliance, and by approving the budget amendment, the Commissioner’s authorized City staff to make the necessary budget changes to make the $1.36 million dollar payment. The certified amended budget will be forwarded to the State.
In other business, an ordinance was adopted to amend the standards for street and roads within the City’s extra-territorial areas. These areas are Class C subdivisions and this ordinance allows the City to waive certain requirements that are applicable for Class A and B subdivisions.
Wamego has new Industrial Revenue Bonds for sale. Page announced the issuance of $1.1 million in bonds, for a period of 10 years at 2.04 percent interest rate, to close on December 27th. The bonds were issued to finance the construction of the Power Plant expansion and for retrofitting some of the existing engines to meet EPA standards. Page noted authorization was given earlier for the issue, but needed a resolution authorizing City officials to sign the documents necessary for delivery and sale of the bonds.
In other business, Page said the sales tax numbers remain positive, with the City numbers up 7.3 percent and County up 2.5 percent, compared to the same time last year
Wamego city officials want the public to be aware of a year-end closing and meeting date change. City Manager Merl Page said the City Offices will be closed to the public New Year’s Eve Day, December 31st, with the staff working to close out the year.
Also, Page pointed out the first regular City Commission meeting falls on January 1st. He suggested and the Commission approved moving the meeting to Wednesday, January 2nd at 6 p.m.