With the end of the year drawing near, the Riley County Commission is beginning to discuss department head evaluations.
Noxious Weed Director, Dennis Peterson, Riley County Historical Museum Director, Cheryl Collins, IT/GIS Director Robert Nall, Planning/Special Projects Director, Monty Wedel, and Community Corrections Director, Shelly Williams, were all on the agenda for their evaluations. All of these evaluations were discussed in executive session.
Along with year end business, County Treasurer, Eileen King took the time to remind the public the first half of property tax payments are due December 20th. Starting on the 21st, property tax payments will need to be paid in full. King mentioned, “there are no exceptions to this rule, if you’re even a day late, you must pay the full amount”. For those who pay on time, the second half of these payments will be due May 10th.
Assistant Fire Chief, Scott Cooper and RCPD Captain, Tim Hegarty came before the commission to share tips for Christmas and holiday safety. Cooper spoke mainly about lights and tree safety, saying “it’s important to only plug a maximum of three light strands together to wrap around the tree. More than three may begin to cause electrical problems and could spark a fire.” Hegarty reminded individuals to take their valuables home with them for the holidays and lock up your residence while you are away.
Budget and Finance Officer, Johnette Shepek shared the estimated 2012 ending general fund balance. With an estimated ending balance of $3,553,686, the year should end pretty well. This estimated cause does include the $1,000,000 for budget stabilization. Some of the previous beginning and ending cash balances (which also include the budget stabilization) were:
- 2011-$1,000,000
- 2010-$850,000
- 2009-$890,000
- 2008-$1,450,000
Also presenting an end year report, was Register of Deeds, Debbie Regester. Regester presented the 2012 accomplishments and 2013 goals. She said, “our goal is to stay current on technology and keep providing good customer service”.
County Appraiser, Greg McHenry received a special recognition during the meeting. Commissioner, Dave Lewis acknowledged McHenry by presenting his certificate of designation from the International Association of Assessing Offices. McHenry was awarded the Assessment Administration Specialist certificate.