The City of Junction City, through the Engineering Department, will hold an informational Open House regarding the City’s ongoing Street Maintenance Program. The program will be an interactive and ongoing program from 3 PM to 7 PM December 20, providing the public information on the City’s Street Maintenance Program.
The Open House is informal and will allow individuals the opportunity to stop in for a few minutes or longer to ask questions, obtain information and/or provide concerns. Informational materials will be available on the following: the City’s Street Pavement Management Program (PAVER – a street rating and evaluation program), prior year street maintenance activities, overview of the various street maintenance methods, and recommendations for future (2013 through 2017) planned street maintenance improvements within the City.
The public is encouraged to attend in order to better understand the City’s street conditions, methods used in rating streets, street maintenance, and the planned future improvements of Your Streets. City staff from the Engineering and Public Works Departments will be available to answer questions during the Open House regarding the City street system and program areas overall.