News stories making national headlines were brought up at Monday’s Riley County Law Board meeting, with a question to Riley County Police Director Brad Schoen regarding the local policy when working with schools on such disasters as the multiple shooting fatalities in a Connecticut elementary school. Schoen indicated his department continues to talk individually to teachers and students, and also at the district level–and have done everything they can in regard to preparation. But he adds that’s no guarantee, saying realistically it’s difficult to prevent those types of events.
There was also discussion about the tragic fatal shooting of two police officers in Topeka. Board member Dave Lewis asked Director Schoen about reaction and possible showing of support. He says RCPD sometimes sends an honor guard, but since the case was resolved so quickly problems such as fatigue for law enforcement officials didn’t enter in as a problem.
It was a day of presentations at the Riley County law board meeting, with one involving the promotion of Sergeant Craig Kennedy. Assistant Riley County Police Director John Doeling made the presentation to Kennedy, who has been serving as a Correction Officer. Kennedy will now be supervising the midnight shift supervisor in the jail division. Another award involving corrections was presented to Correction Officer Daniel Zoeller who received a life saving award for saving an inmate who apparently tried to take his own life with a shirt tied tightly around his neck. Four outgoing Community Advisory Board members were also recognized during the Monday meeting.
A lease agreement for the Aggieville Substation was approved by Riley County law board members Monday, but not without some discussion. Board member Wynn Butler posed a question to Riley County Police director Brad Schoen, about how important the substation is and vital to operations. Schoen quickly responded they need it and pretty badly, as it it is used on an almost daily basis. Board members Barry Wilkerson and Dave Lewis also commented about the need for the station.
Director Schoen reported the recent accreditation process went well, although it will be a couple of months before his department knows actual results.
In other matters, the board approved a meeting schedule for next year, a radio maintenance agreement with Ka-Comm and a contract renewal with Reese and Novelly.for auditing services.