Ever wondered what it’s like behind the scenes at the Riley County Police Department? Now’s the time to find out with the Citizens Police Academy.
Beginning March 5 and running one night a week for ten weeks, the Citizens’ Police Academy will be giving people an opportunity to explore the inner workings of the RCPD.
Darla King, Community Relations Officer, talked during a recent interview with KMAN about some of the departments that will be presented including for the first time the bike unit.
King also mentioned those who attend will get a tour of the facility as well including the jail.
The academy is open to anyone interested.
“In the past, we’ve had everything from 18 year olds all the way through your middle aged, older generation,” said King. “It’s educational, in our opinion , for all levels.”
King is hoping to have some university students attend, especially those who are looking to possibly gain entry into the field as it will hopefully get rid of any “false impressions” that might be held on what it means to be a law enforcement officer.
The academy is free and applications are available online at the Riley County Police Department website.