Various items on Monday’s Riley County Commission agenda required approval or consensus.
The first item needing approval involved the vacation of a sewer and water easement. County Planner, Bob Isaac came forward during a public hearing to make a request in regards to the easement owned by John and Rosa Jones. Owners of lots two and seven on the Oakshore Addition, near Tuttle Creek Lake, have agreed to split the Jones’s property (lot 3) down the middle. Isaac mentioned a few obstacles he ran into when he looked into this possibility, including the house that is direct center on the lot.
Instead of moving the house, Isaac requested vacating the easement, which the commission unanimously approved.
Emergency Management Director, Pat Collins also needed approval on his item involving target solutions for 2013 Rural Fire District. Collins said, “in order to keep up the work and keep the insurance premiums low, we have to increase the amount of training the volunteers do and in order to try and take some of the burden off of them, I think being able to do it when they have time to do it will help that transition”.
The commission approved Collins request for target solutions.
IT/GIS Director, Robert Nall requested an update of the counties aerial photography. Nall said this is the best time of the year to do the photography, and he needs a decision by early February in order to get it done.
Nall did some research in regards to the best megapixels at the most efficient prices, but the commission requested he look into collaborating with surrounding counties on this effort. By talking to Geary and Pottawatomie counties, the commission hopes Nall can get other perspectives.
Other approvals during the commission meeting, included a request from a local eagle scout to construct a sign for the Carnegie Library in Manhattan and a request from the REACH Committee.
A number of events are coming up around the county, and many were discussed during the meeting’s press conference. Some of the events and dates include the volunteer tax assistance program from now until April, the conservation district annual meeting on February 7th, and Annie’s Project on February 1st.
Riley County Historical Museum Director, Cheryl Collins also spoke during the press conference to quiz the commissioners on their Kansas trivia as January 29th is Kansas Day. Although Commissioner, Dave Lewis managed to answer a couple questions, most of the commission was surprised to hear how many county residents have contributed to Kansas history.