At a recent intergovernmental meeting a briefing was given by the Deputy Garrison Commander Linda Hoeffner on the expected impacts of military cost cuts, and the possible upcoming sequestration.
Governor military council director John Armbrust says the actual reduction in operating funds for units on Fort Riley will be significant. Some units will see up to a 32% reduction in funding. The cuts will be felt across the state, and nationwide, as installations brace for the impact on operational budgets.
Armbrust says the first significant thing probably to be seen will be furloughs of civilians, but warns the full impact probably won’t be felt until some time after the March 1st event. According to Armbrust some of the cuts will be coming with or without sequestration, but won’t be as draconian as the cuts will be with it in place. Armbrust says there is still hope that government officials in Washington D.C. can come to an agreement, and halt sequestration before the deadline.