Unemployment figures in Manhattan are down as of August, dropping 1 percent from August of last year. According to the Kansas Department of Labor, Kansas labor force estimates rest at 4.7 percent for August of 2014, as compared to 5.7 percent from August 2013.
This is also down compared to July of 2014, as the rate sat at 5.1 percent. Surrounding Riley County shows a decrease in unemployment as well. August’s rate is a .7 percent drop from August of 2013, now at 4.3 percent.
Clay County’s August rate is 3.7 percent unemployment, almost a full percentile down from 4.6 percent in August of 2013. Pottawatomie County’s rate is higher in comparison at 4.5 percent, but still a decrease from last August’s 5.9 percent statistic.
Geary County has the highest unemployment rate out of the four stated counties, as August’s 2014 rate is at 5.8 percent. This is comparable to July of 2014’s 6 percent unemployment rate, and down significantly from last year’s August rate of 7.3 percent.