“It’s a major improvement over the security we have now”.
That quote was said by Riley County District Court Chief Judge, Meryl Wilson, after reviewing the proposed plans for courthouse security renovations. The plans were discussed during Monday’s Riley County Commission meeting, as Architect, Bruce McMillan presented the ideas his staff came up with.
Four major components were outlined in the plans-a secured entrance for the public, new weatherized doors, a secured prisoner entrance, and relocating the staff break room.
McMillan also shared plans for a canopy that would provide shade over the ramp outside the new secured public entrance.
Although commissioners stated this isn’t the most ideal scenario, they did state these plans would provide significant improvements to the building.
A few public works individuals were also in attendance to provide their comments and suggestions.
McMillan did not yet have the price estimate prepared, and he said he would return with the estimate at a later date. He also did not have a concrete time frame for how long this project would take. McMillan did say he guessed it may take around six months to complete all of these security renovations.