Manhattan High School has been named to The Washington Post’s America’s Most Challenging High School list for the eighth consecutive year.
Only nine Kansas high schools made the High School Challenge List:
Sumner Academy of Arts and Science index 3.471
Blue Valley index 2.638
Blue Valley North index 2.577
Blue Valley Southwest index 2.251
Shawnee Mission East index 2.167
Blue Valley West index 2.066
Blue Valley Northwest index 1.702
Manhattan index 1.636
Shawnee Mission South index 1.177
“I am incredibly proud of our students and staff for achieving this tremendous recognition for Manhattan High School,” stated Principal Greg Hoyt. “This accomplishment is not possible without students that are willing to step out and enroll in challenging courses, dedicated faculty members that take on the preparation of these rigorous courses, staff members that encourage students to accept the challenge, staff members that organize and prepare for the hundreds of exams that are administered, and parents that support their children throughout the process.”
The Washington Post annually surveys and ranks approximately 22,000 high schools across the country. Public schools are ranked according to a ratio devised by Jay Mathews: the number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and/or Cambridge tests taken by all students at a school and divided by the number of graduating seniors. All of the schools on the list have an index of at least 1.000. Just over 1,925 schools—only nine percent of all the public schools in the U.S.—made the list.