Keep Teaching
With in-person classes being cancelled for the rest of the school year, K-State has taken steps to make the transition to remote classes easier for higher-education professional.
The Keep Teaching program allows university staff to share information and tools for implementing a successful online-teaching experience.
While K-State has a Keep Teaching program for its own employees to use, Katie Linder, the K-State Global Campus executive director for program development, says there is another program available to professionals from several institutions.
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She says Keep Teaching began as an effort to promote continued education during times of disruption.
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To access the Keep Teaching program, visit
Keep Learning
K-State has also implemented a program called Keep Learning to make the transition to remote classes easier for students.
This program came out about a week after the release of Keep Teaching.
Here, Linder explains the difference between the two programs:
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Linder also explains the tools made available to students through the Keep Learning program.
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For more information about Keep Learning, visit