It is officially National Work Zone Awareness Week in Kansas, a week that promotes safety and the elimination of driver distractions on the road.
KDOT Area Superintendent Jeff Romine stated that the week is to bring light to the hazards and dangers of driving through work zones and how to avoid them.
Romine says with the weather getting warmer day by day, work zones will pick up and become more active and he advises the public to slow down in work zones and keep your eyes on the road.
As part of this week’s efforts KDOT is encouraging people to wear orange to highlight those workers on our highways.
Romine says just like anyone else, roadway workers have a family to worry about too, and to take things like that into account when driving through work zones.
He asks the community to be aware of everything not only the workers but the cones and equipment. Romine says with a group effort, work zones accidents numbers can decrease exponentially.
There were around 3 work zone crashes everyday in Kansas last year, Romine explained he is not surprised with the amount of accidents with as many distractions there are nowadays.