Riley County Commissioners discussed changes to the county’s animal control resolution on Monday.
The county is in the process of updating the resolution which dates back to 1988, while also continuing negotiations with nonprofit Prairie Paws for its contracted shelter services at the T. Russel Reitz Animal Shelter. Prairie Paws initially asked for $90,000 from Riley County, but county commissioners are set on a figure closer to $60,000 or less, which was discussed at last Thursday’s meeting.
Deputy County Counselor Shelley Woodard suggested Monday the county remove license tag requirements for residents in unincorporated areas.
Woodard also recommends removing references within the resolution on code enforcement officers to serve as animal control.
Commissioners were favorable of Woodard’s recommendations. The changes will go toward a final draft that will be finalized in a few weeks.
As negotiations continue with Prairie Paws, residents who live in unincorporated areas of Riley County do not have access to the shelter, pending a finalized agreement.