Wamego’s Power Pool contract has been approved. At Tuesday’s City Commission meeting, City Manager Merl Page said he received confirmation Tuesday morning that the City’s Southwest Power Pool wholesale power supply contract with Westar has been approved. Page said the confirmation was for the rollover right for transmission for wholesale power from Westar, even though the City did not retain rollover rights from the previous contract. However, since the City did a comprehensive transmission study last year, the rollover right went into effect. He added that every member of the Pool is grandfathered one rollover right, and this contract is for a shorter term, so there should not be an issue in the future because of the earlier study.
Westar proposed dramatic increases in power rates the latter part of 2010, and the City has been in negotiations since that time. The City of Wamego’s prior contract with Westar expires May 31st.
Wamego Commissioners reviewed a long-time service at Tuesday’s City Commission meeting. City Manager Page presented an Ordinance amending the installation cost for Space Lights provided to the public. Space Lights are available to anyone wanting to increase their outside lighting, and are responsible for the cost of installation. According to Page, the cost of operating the lights is not metered and the customer pays a flat monthly fee, which is staying the same. The Commission approved the Ordinance to adjust the cost of installation with an existing pole and without a pole. The installation price increase takes effect after publication.
Meanwhile, Page deferred to Director of Operations Mac Campbell for an update on several projects. According to Campbell, the Second Street Sewer project is done and everything’s flowing and clean-up has begun.
Campbell said all the residential electric meters are in place and functioning well. The installation of the water meters has started and those that are in place are operating well too. He said a new shipment of water meters is due to arrive next week, and he’s pleased with how well the project has gone so far.