The Pottawatomie County Fair is set to begin in two weeks, and there will be a number of events for fairgoers to enjoy.
The fair will officially begin on August 1st and last through the fifth, but there are a few pre-fair events taking place such as the Fiber Arts judging taking place at Rock Creek High School on July 27th. 4-H representative Judy White gives us an idea of other events slated to take place at the fair.
“We’ll have the Honky Tonk Renovators band who will come and perform for us,” White says. “Our annual parade will also take place with an ice cream social afterwards.”
The fair will be held at the Pottawatomie Fair grounds in Onaga. Free Wireless interenet will be avilable throughout the fair, and each day will begin at 08:00am as the exhibits open.
To find out more about the fair call 785-889-4501.