Kansas Department of Transportation Representative Kimberly Qualls says the snow storm is the worst she’s seen in her time working for the state of Kansas. Snow packed roads slowed or stopped traffic along I-70, and led to the closing of massive stretches of the interstate. Qualls says she hopes crews will have major roads working in normal operation by noon on Friday.
In Manhattan city officials are urging citizens to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. Manhattan City Clerk Gary Fees says city crews will be working through the night. Fees says more information can be found at the city’s website.
Riley County Police officer Mathew Droge is advising folks to stay at home if possible, or go at a reasonable speed and make careful turns. Officer Droge says it is a great idea to also pack provisions such as a coat in case of an accident. As of 3pm RCPD is reporting no major accidents, but many slide offs without injury.
State and local crews are working through the night to clear roads. The Kansas Department of Transportation has a website dedicated to road information and closings at ksdot.org.
Schools are beginning to schedule closings on Friday. For current closings stay tuned to 1350 KMAN, and 1350kman.com.