Belvue Bridge
Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee County Commissioners met Monday to discuss the possibility of repairing the Belvue Bridge.
Pottawatomie County Public Works Director Peter Clark explains what their plans are going forward:
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Although a grant could help pay for a large portion of a repair project, Clark says receiving one is far from a guarantee.
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As for the engineering study, Clark says the two counties agreed on an 83-17 percent cost-share, with Pottawatomie County paying the larger portion.
The estimated cost of the study is $50,000 to $75,000.
Bridge cameras
Pottawatomie County Commissioner Pat Weixelman proposed installing cameras on the Belvue Bridge to the Wabaunsee County Commission Monday.
The idea came up during a discussion between the two counties about possibly repairing the 65-year-old bridge.
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Weixelman provided some examples during the meeting of what abuse of the bridge might look like.
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Moving forward, the commissions are going to discuss the proposal with each county’s sheriff.