Pottawatomie County commissioners heard from a local couple seeking a revision in the county’s nuisance dog resolution.
Paul Barkey, a 77-year-old combat-related disabled veteran, says he was threatened by two of his neighbor’s pit bulls July 5 in Blackjack Estates, while attending to a tree on his property damaged in a storm.
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The incident was caught on home surveillance cameras. He and his wife Jan claim the dogs are continuously allowed to run loose without any control. After taking the neighbor to court, the judge ruled in the dog owner’s favor since no injuries occurred and the incident did not happen on public property. Jan says the incident has prompted them to take extreme avenues to protect themselves against any possible future attacks.
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Commissioners generally were in favor of looking into a possible revision, deferring to County Counselor John Watt.
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Commission Chair Pat Weixelman says the incident left a bad taste in his mouth.
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The Barkeys told commissioners that because the neighbor refuses to put up a fence on his property, they intend to install one of their own.