More than $36,000 has been raised by candidates seeking election to the Manhattan City Commission. (Full reports are attached in alphabetical order, at the bottom of this story, including a list of contributions to each campaign.)
Campaigns were required to file their second round reports on Oct. 30. Eight of the nine candidates submitted reports showing financial contributions and expenditures between July 21 and Oct. 26.
Susan Adamchak leads all candidates, with $13,778 raised over that span. Adamchak started the period with $2,400 cash on hand. Minus expenditures, her campaign had $5,461.75 as of Oct. 30.
Peter Oppelt raised over $7,409 during the reporting period, after starting with $3,124.75. Minus expenditures, he remained with $5,746.60.
Other totals included $6,624 raised by former commissioner Karen McCulloh, $5,124 raised by incumbent Mark Hatesohl and $2,152 by incumbent John Matta.
Both incumbents started out with large sums of cash on hand. As a result they were big spenders leading up to the election, with Hatesohl spending over $13,000 and Matta spending $7,700. Adamchak also spent more than $10,000 on her campaign.
Rosemary Loucks had $577 cash on hand but dis not spend any money over that period, contributed $48.43 to her own campaign.
Darqel Brown and Connor Knightley have raised no money for their respective campaigns. Rafael Rodriguez filed an exemption previously with the Riley County Clerk’s Office as he intended to raise no more than $1,000 for his campaign.
According to Deputy Riley County Clerk Susan Boller, USD 383 candidates are not required to submit their campaign finance reports until 30 days after the general election (Dec. 7).
Adamchak, Susan Brown, Darqel Crumly-Loucks, Rosemary Hatesohl, Mark Knightley, Connor Matta, John McCulloh, Karen Oppelt, Peter